So here's an update:
I'm still in college. I've been attending Kaplan University online for a year. I'm majoring in Early Childhood Development, and should be done early 2013. I am still working in Borrego, but my position was moved to the Middle School. I'm looking forward to seeing the 6th graders again (have been with them since they were in 3rd), but I will miss my colleagues at the Elementary School.
Big Sis is in 5th grade. Her last year of elementary school!! How did that happen? She's looking forward to GATE again, as well as hoping there is an after school band class. We got her CST scores, and she scored Proficient in English Language Arts and Math, as well as passed the 4th grade writing test with a 6 (out of 8). I'm so proud of my smarty pants.
Little Sis is in 2nd grade. She's still in the dual immersion program. She read all summer, but most of it was in English. One of her best friends moved over the summer, but her other BFF is still here and in her class. She's looking forward to a new school year, and has promised me that she will be "a better student." I'm hoping and praying, because I know her teacher won't put up with her attitude, and I don't want her to be "that kid."
I've been using FLYLady to get my house and schedule in order, as well as the Cozi Online Calendar. I love both because FLYLady is on Facebook and Twitter, so she's always in my pocket. Cozi has an app for my phone (Android) so I can carry my shopping list, to-do list, and calendar everywhere. FLYLady has even partnered up with Cozi and has her Zone Lists available to download into your Cozi to-do lists.
I'm hoping all this planning can keep the house running smooth. The girls and I are already practicing our morning routines (I went back to work Tuesday, but they don't go back to school until September 6) but I still need to get into my afternoon routine and bedtime routine. It's a process, but we're getting there.
I also ordered the EasyLunchbox System from Amazon. I bought the four-box system, as well as lunchboxes for the girls and me. My mind is overflowing with lunch ideas for the girls (super picky eaters). I see fresh fruit and "Lunchables" type meals with turkey, cheese, and Wheat Thins. Their lunches last year were healthy-ish when I did pack one for them, usually consisting of a sandwich, fruit, yogurt, and a juice box. This year, I hope to pack lunches for them more often, since the school's lunches tend to be lacking in stuff they'll actually eat.
I'm really looking forward to this school year. We also are adding in Wednesday night church as well as Girl Scouts (Big Sis is a Junior and Little Sis bridged to Brownies).