While walking on the beach one day,
I saw Starfish by the score.
And everywhere I looked it seemed,
I saw a thousand more.
Then what to my surprise appeared?
A boy of nine or ten;
and as the Starfish washed ashore,
he threw them back again.
I saw Starfish by the score.
And everywhere I looked it seemed,
I saw a thousand more.
Then what to my surprise appeared?
A boy of nine or ten;
and as the Starfish washed ashore,
he threw them back again.
I smiled at such a futile task to save this population.
“One fish won’t make a difference son. You can’t change this situation.”
He stooped and picked up one more fish, then looking right at me ,
“I can make a difference for this one, sir,” and returned it to the sea.
So I went and gathered all my friends, my brothers and my cousins.
We joined in with that little boy and saved Starfish by the dozens.
There are still many to be rescued-many “Starfish” on life’s shore.
Let’s make a difference like that lad-by saving one more.
It's that time of year again! Time to pull out the sleeping bag and hiking boots! Time to start prepping the scrapbook supplies for the memory books! Time to start thinking about a flag for the cabin!
RFK is a camp to create memories for abused and neglected foster kids. A lot of children in "the system" are passed from home to home, some never getting to experience a "normal" childhood. RFK is designed to give these children, whom God loves so much, a chance to experience what they may otherwise miss coming from broken homes. It's a safe place for them to just be kids.
This year, we have several fundraisers to help us raise $50,000. We need that much not only for our week-long camp in June, but also for the Mentor Program we are starting in September.
- This Saturday, March 2, 2013 is our Hukilau Dinner and Auction Fundraiser. Tickets are $25 and include dinner and admission to the silent auction. This event is at the Mary Philips Senior Center in Old Town Temecula.

- Our FIRST ANNUAL Royal Family Kids Car and Motorcycle Show and Chili Cook-off is April 13, 2013. Admission is free to the event, but if you have a car or motorcycle you want to have featured in our event, the entry fee is $10 per vehicle. We will be selling raffle tickets, as well as 50/50 raffle tickets (Winner gets 50% of the money, RFK gets 50%), and KONA ICE of Temecula will be there as well from 11am-1pm! This event will be at Crossroads Church in Temecula.
- Change to Change Lives is an ongoing fundraiser between now and April 13. Save your pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters and bring them to the Car Show!
- The 8th annual Walk-A-Thon will be held on May 11, 2013. This is a fun event where the volunteers gather pledges to raise money. The walk-a-thon will be held at Crossroads Church in Temecula.
We may have more fundraisers between now and June, so be sure to stay tuned!
So what is a week at camp like? Here's a brief (I hope) rundown:
After our commissioning at both church services, we head up to camp. We unload our cars and start unpacking until it's time to meet with the director. During the meeting, we get our schedule for the week, with specific times for meals and activities, including the nightly drama and Bible lessons. We then break up into groups and cover the camp in prayer. We pray over EVERYTHING. We don't want the devil messing things up. And trust me, he's tried during the last 4 years I've been there. (Prayer is something everyone can do for the camp, even if you can't financially donate!!!) After prayer, we start decorating the camp. We decorate the cabins to the 9s, and anyplace the campers spend time is decorated, including the bathrooms! (This year's theme is Construction, based on Ephesians 4:29.) We then eat an outdoor BBQ picnic dinner, then finish decorating. Lights out is early because the week has only begun!
We're up early for breakfast. A lot of us get up early and spend some time with God outside. Nothing like a late spring morning in the great outdoors to feel close to the Creator of everything. We then have another meeting, then work on blowing up balloons and decorating name signs for our campers. This is one way our campers feel welcome as well as it makes it easy for them to find us when they get off the bus.
After the campers arrive, it's unpacking, camp tours, and lunch. Then it's non-stop, go-go-go-go, for the next three days -- with swimming, hiking, arts and crafts, singing, dancing, worshiping and eating. There is SO MUCH FOOD!
On Thursday, after lunch, we throw the BIGGEST "Everybody's Birthday Party." Some foster children don't ever get to celebrate their birthday. Sadly, some don't even know when their birthday is! So we throw a HUGE party with bouncy houses, water balloon fights, games (usually with the counselors getting wet or covered in shaving cream), music and just a whole bunch of FUN. Then, after dinner, we have -- CAKE! (Of course, right? What birthday is complete without cake?) That night is the talent show, and then every child gets showered with birthday presents.
Friday is the saddest day, but it starts like any other day. We wrap up the drama and Bible story (which has continued each night) and have an awards ceremony for the "graduating" 11-year-olds (camp is only for kids ages 7-11).
Honestly, it's exhausting, but I wouldn't trade this week for anything. I would choose it over a week at Walt Disney World if I had to make the choice.
I hope you've read this entire post. I had a lot of fun writing it -- looking back on previous years and looking forward to this year. This camp can't survive without it's volunteers -- whether it's the volunteers spending the whole week at camp, or volunteers selflessly donating their money to help us run it. If you are interested in volunteering, donating, or attending an event, please email us at
Again, please consider donating. Any little bit helps. The more money we raise, the more we supplies we can get to make the camp more fun and exciting for the children.
Thank you