First, I wanted to let you all know that I changed my Twitter. I deleted the old one, and made a new one. It's the same name, though! So, please follow @JustAddLaughter, if you'd like. My updates are protected, so just send me a request, and I'll approve it once I get a chance.
Ok, now for the BIG HUGE NEWS!
Over on the left, at the top, you'll see a nifty little Paypal Donate Button. I have that there for a very important reason.

In June, I will be going to camp as a counselor. The camp is Royal Family Kids' Camp, and it's "a Christian camp designed specifically for foster children ages 7-11. They go for a week to receive love, attention and affirmation on how important they are to God and us especially since some of them don't receive any of this in the homes they are in." (Description given by Norma, another volunteer, on my Facebook page. I couldn't have said it better, so I'm quoting her.)
The camp's budget is huge, and it's covered by donations from loving individuals, who give money for the camp's operation and time as counselors and other staff. I am in the midst of training for my week as a counselor, and I honestly can't wait to go.
On Saturday, April 25, we are having a Walk-A-Thon to raise money for camp. I am looking for sponsors who is willing to donate something -- ANYTHING -- to the cause. Anything you donate it tax deductible. You will receive a Giving Statement at the end of the year from the director.
If you have any questions about the camp or donating, please email me by clicking the link on the right at the top (across from the Donate button).
To learn more about RFKC, go to Royal Family Kids' Camp.