Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Extreme Makeover: Blog Edition
I am going to be getting a blog make-over after the 1st of the year!
Rachel over at Blog Candy Designs is going to be playing Ty and moving the bus on my blog. I've already sent in the initial information she needs, I'm just waiting for the New Year to get started!
I don't think I get a week-long vacation at Walt Disney World while she's doing all the fun designing, though.
So, if you need a new custom blog layout, head on over to Rachel's site and take a look around! She does great work.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
MomDot Stocking Exchange
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Blizzard!!!! What? In SoCal?
She sent her husband so I could follow him to their house, and I did. When I got there, it was becoming a pretty wicked snow storm.
So now here I sit, 8 hours later, with about 10 inches of snow on the ground, stuck. Another wave is about to hit, so it's looking like I won't make it home tonight. I just hope I can make it home tomorrow.
I missed work today. Big Sis missed school. After missing 7 days, all of which were excused because we signed an independent study contract, she has to miss, probably, the next two days too. There goes her perfect attendence!!
Friday is the start of vacation, as it's a minimum day, but I think once I get back to Hemet, it's not going to be possible to get back to Borrego before the weekend.
I should have stayed in bed.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Getting into the Holiday Spirit

This is an adorable snowman I bought when I worked at JCPenney. He lights up with different colors. I can't believe that after 2 years, he still works, and better yet, he hasn't been broken!!

This is my whole tree. You can see a reindeer that Big Sis made me in Kindergarten. It's at the bottom. And the Strawberry Shortcake ornament? Smells like Strawberries!

This is one of the gifts from a friend of mine, Becky. She and I belong to a group of Sassy Mommies, who met when we were pregnant with our now-7-year-olds. Every year, we do an ornament exchange, and this is one of them she sent me. I have a great pic from Disneyland of the girls in front of the Christmas Tree, which I may put in that frame.

This is the other ornament Becky sent me. It's glass, and the picture just doesn't do it justice. It's "scaly," like a lizard, but it's multicolored with red, green and blue. Very pretty. And very heavy! I have it wrapped around the whole top of my tree, since it tried to take it down!

And of course, one of the girls. I managed to get them dressed somewhat matching for my birthday. Big Sis has her winter concert at school tonight, too.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Updates -- Vacation, Disneyland, Job
On December 3, the girls and I flew out to Colorado. My sister got married on the 5th. We flew back on the 7th. It was a gorgeous wedding, and I have tons of pics. I'll be sure to share them soon.
When I returned to work on the 8th, I had a job announcement in my box. It was for the same position I have now, except at the Elementary school. I currently work 3.75 hours a day, and this position was for 6.5 hours a day, including full benefits. I jumped all over it. I turned in my application before the December 10th deadline.
On the 11th, I was on vacation for another couple of days. The girls and I headed to Anaheim on the 11th, and stayed at the HoJo across the street from Disneyland. We went to the parks on Friday the 12th, and came home that night. We got home at 2am, and ended up having to sleep in the car until 6am because my grandparents locked the door into the house from the garage.
Once we woke up on the 13th (my BIRTHDAY!) we got up and headed to Borrego Springs again. My ex-bf asked the girls and me to come over. He was going to BBQ and he had cake. Since no one else had planned anything, I went. We ended up with hot dogs and coconut cake. The cake was yummy. I would have preferred chicken.
The girls and I went home that night, and I spent Sunday cleaning my room and reorganizing. My sister used to live in this room, and when she left a year ago, my grandma's stuff managed to multiply. I've got most of my stuff put away, well, what's not in the storage unit anyway.
I get to work today, and go check my box. I find the HR lady (very nice lady), and she says she needs to talk to me. So I go back during morning break, and..
I start on January 12, after the winter break. My benefits kick in on February 2. I can't wait. I think this job is going to be better suited to the education I have, and will better prepare me for teaching in the future.
I also want to see a doc about my allergies and my headaches. And the girls need to see a dentist and eye doctors!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Hello from Disneyland!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Kira and The Santa Clause 3
So Kira and I finally met up so I could give her the copy of "The Santa Clause 3" that she won right here on my blog!
We met at Juice It Up! and I had the Lava Flow. It was yummy. We sat and talked for a while, about work and Disneyland. It was great to see her again.
Enjoy your movie, Kira!!
The Front Page!!

She danced with her after-school Mexican Dance group at the Tamale Festival on November 29.
My friend Maris took the pic, as she works for the newspaper. I have pics on my own camera, but it's been slow going getting them all off (they're on there with the pics from when we went to Downtown Disney on the 30th, and from our trip in Colorado).
We will be leaving today after work and school!! We'll be heading to my grandma's house, so we have less to drive tomorrow. We'll leave tomorrow morning for Disneyland bright and early! I am so ready to go!!!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Disneyland Countdown: 2 Days!!!
I just cannot concentrate anymore!!!! One of my girls' favorite things to do is to meet the Princesses. Both girls are always a hit with the Princesses, I think because they watch the movies so much, they seem to have a lot to talk about!!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Disneyland Countdown: 3 Days!!
One thing that has made all my previous visiting to Disneyland, since July 17, 2007, has been the presence of some awesome LaughingPlace friends! I meet at least one for a ride or a show on each visit. Last December, four friends, Gary, Kathy, Rod and Ruthie, were there with me to celebrate my birthday. This pic is of Gary and Big Sis while we were waiting for the fireworks on Main Street. Gary and Kathy have "adopted" me as their Disney Daughter, and the girls are like grandkids to them. I can't wait to see them in THREE DAYS!!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I'm home!!
However, the wedding was gorgeous. I have TONS of pics to share. Once I get them out of the camera, I'll be sure to post them. I have work this week, so it may not be until the weekend.
Speaking of which...
My birthday is Saturday. I was supposed to be going to Disneyland. I can't go now. :(
I spent waaay too much money in Colorado, and while I can afford the tickets, I wouldn't be able to get much else, including gas.
So, if you're feeling generous, I need three tickets to Disneyland. Otherwise, the girls and I will probably just go in January, after payday, but also after the holidays are no Holiday decorations.
I had fun, though!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Disneyland Countdown: 5 Days!
One of my favorite things about going to Disneyland in December is the decorations. No one decorates for the Holidays like Disneyland!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Disneyland Countdown: 6 Days!
In January, when it was time to take down the holiday decorations, it's a small world closed, for a major rehab. It's been closed since, and my last few trips have been missing something because I was unable to ride it. However, it should be back up this holiday season for it's a small world Holiday. After the season, it will reopen with the new additions!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Disneyland Countdown: 7 Days!
Disneyland is my favorite place to be. I love the magical touches you can see and feel around every corner.
Last December, for some unknown reason, Big Sis was unhappy. One of the cast members at Santa's Reindeer Roundup saw that, and asked her if she'd like to watch the show with Pluto. Of course, she didn't turn it down. Again, this is one of my favorite Disneyland memories.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Disneyland Countdown: 8 Days!
Every time we go to Disneyland, no matter what time of year, I always get a pic of the girls in front of the last "A" in California, outside the front entrance to California Adventure. It's like a tradition, and I would eventually like to put all the pics I have in one scrapbook, to see how they've grown. I just hope they don't remove the letters with the DCA overhaul.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Disneyland Countdown: 9 days!
Have you been to Disneyland lately, and been dreamed?
Big Sis and I have been dreamed several times, but the best time was last December when we received Dream Fastpasses! Of course, the crowds were so light we never needed them! But wow, what a thrill!!!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Disneyland Countdown: 10 DAYS!!
Disneyland is calling my name! I can smell the gingerbread men!
For the remainder of my countdown, I will be posting pics from my trip last December with Big Sis. This first pic is of Big Sis decorating a giant gingerbread man at Santa's Reindeer Roundup. While it was a bit pricey, it was SO yummy.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Disneyland Countdown: 2 Weeks!
I will be at Disneyland in TWO WEEKS!!!!! Can you see me doing the Happy Dance??
This is a pic from Big Sis' first official visit to Disneyland. My mom, sister, and I took her when she was 9 months old to California Adventure, but this trip, February 2004 was her first official trip.
Her dad and I had taken her, and after we went back to the hotel for a nap, Big Sis and I returned alone. Right as we walked through the turnstiles, there was Belle and Snow White! Big Sis was in heaven. And need I mention, that she wasn't a Big Sis then!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Breaking Dawn -- FINALLY Finished!!!
Now, I have fully fallen prey to the power of the Twilight series. I devoured the first three books, and the movie was awesome (more on that later).
However, Breaking Dawn dragggggggggged on. The first two parts were decent. I know a lot had to do with the thoughts of Bella and Jacob, so it provided a real insight to both characters. However, the third part was just, I dunno. Slow. I can't even think of anything to compare it to.
The plot was great. I enjoyed the way it went, and the story line with Renesmee was really good. However, the final scene shouldn't have lasted five chapters. Was it five chapters? Let me check. Ok, it was three. But it felt like five.
So, here is my take, including spoilers:
Jacob imprinting on Renesmee kind of tripped me out a bit. I don't know if it's because I have girls, or if it's because it happened immediately after birth. And the fact that she'll be fully mature when she's 7? My daughter is 7. It just seems weird.
Alice and Jasper. LOVE them. Loved them in the movie, too. However, Alice just ditching the Cullens ticked me off like it did Bella. And the thing with J. Jenks? There were a lot of times when I was like "Just get to the POINT already!" The book read like talking to my ex-boyfriend. I felt like I was being asked to be a mind reader.
However, once everything panned out, things made a whole heck of a lot more sense. I will defintely be re-reading this series. I have Twilight and New Moon on order from Amazon, and I already own Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. I will be taking a break, though. I am on my way to check the box of books I have in the garage.
So, what are your thoughts? On Breaking Dawn? On the whole series?
If you want to give me your thoughts as a guest blogger, let me know, and I'll tell you how to post!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
If a child swears...
The girls and I were walking today, while waiting for my car to get fixed. We were walking by a gorgeous home with a huge yard and a huge tree house. All of a sudden, a HUGE dog runs at us, barking like mad. Thankfully, there was a wrought iron fence.
Anyway, I said "Oh, shit!"
Little Sis said "Oh, shit!"
She knew what she was doing, and we all got a giggle out of it. I told her not to say it anymore, and she hasn't. But still. I was a little shocked. Thankfully, there was no one around to hear it, except Big Sis, the dog, and me.
Oh, and God.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Disneyland Countdown: 3 Weeks!
I can't believe it's so close! Disneyland is already decked out for the Holidays! I can't wait to see the Castle and all the fun stuff they have just for the Holiday Season!
This week's pic is from our October/Birthday trip last year. This was our first time buying ears with my great friend Gary, who has a whole routine he goes through when buying ears. I love my girls wearing ears!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Santa Clause 3 -- GIVEAWAY!
Here it is!! The contest I promised you yesterday!
So, up for giveaway is a BRAND NEW copy of "The Santa Clause 3" on DVD. I received an extra copy from the Disney Movie Club, and instead of going through the hassle of sending it back, I am giving you a chance to win it!
This movie is rated G and has a running time of 98 minutes. It has a Disney Movie Rewards code inside, too!
So, I bet you're wondering how you win it, huh?
It's going to be really simple.
- Leave me a comment with your favorite Disney movie quote (and remember, not all Disney movies are animated!)
Then, to gain extra entries, do the following, leaving me a comment for each one:
- Follow THIS blog.
- Leave me a comment on one of my other blogs (links on the left).
- Twitter this contest. (leave me a link to your Twitter page)
- Follow me on Twitter.
- Blog about this giveaway.
Good luck!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Santa Clause 3 -- update
using my Treo
Santa Clause 3 movie giveaway -- coming soon!
using my Treo
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Testing mobile blogging
using my Treo
Giveaway! $20 Amazon Gift Card!
I'm giving away a $20 gift card! This contest will run until November 26th, with the winner being pulled on the 28th. No entries will be accepted on Thanksgiving, because you should be spending time with your families!
So, here's how to enter:
- Leave me a comment, telling me who your favorite author is, and what book(s) of theirs you recommend.
- Follow me on Twitter. If you're already following me, just let me know. Leave a link to your Twitter main page (
- Twit this giveaway. Again, leave the link to your Twitter main page.
- Follow this blog.
- Blog about this giveaway. Leave the link to the post.
- Join GoodReads and become my friend (
Good luck!!
The Mean Meme
The rules are this: You have to drop what you're doing as soon as you read this, and go take pics of the room where you blog. You can't clean up. I didn't! Thankfully, the girls were nice and kept the living room somewhat manageable today.
So here are the pics of my living room. Yes, I live in a mobile home. Yes, it's older than I am.

The girls are putting puzzles together, having abandoned the Barbies. You can see the laptop, where I've been blogging for the last two days, trying to catch up on the MomDot Blog Party. I'm still not even close to being done. The books that are on the floor should be under the table. I may have kicked them there when I was sitting on the floor in front of the computer. I've been alternating sitting on the couch and sitting on the floor, trying to stay comfortable.

When Little Sis realized I was taking pics, she got up and tried to pose. I told her to sit down and act natural. Of course, this ticked her off. So she's pouting in this pic.
Because this was such a daunting task, she also awarded me the Wondah Woman award.
For the meme and the award, I am tagging:
1. Jess at Nothing But Purple
2. Tish at Crazy Working Mom
3. Ginny at Monkey Memories
4. Tena at Punky Monkeys
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Just Add Laughter
Last Wednesday, I started participating in a major contest at MomDot. I have the first three days linked right at the top of my blog (below my header), and there will be more posts to come! The theme is Christmas of Dreams, and it's a major holiday party!
Head on over there to check it out!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Disneyland Countdown: 4 Weeks!
This pic was taken in March of this year. This trip was exceptionally special. Friends from LaughingPlace were visiting from England. This was a big to-do! So many LPers turned out and we took over the place!
I love this pic of Little Sis I took while waiting for the Haunted Mansion. Doesn't she look Goofy? (Pun Intended)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Little Sis at Libby Lu
using my Treo
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Girls This Morning

Still in their jammies. I snuck the webcam around and called their names, evident by the look on Big Sis' face! HAHA! I'm such a mean mommy. The jammies Little Sis is wearing used to be Big Sis', and the ones Big Sis is wearing my mom made for her. Each girl got several dresses, including a matching pair, which match a pair of jammie pants I got.
Have a great weekend, everyone!!
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