Monday, June 30, 2008
To Be Read...
So, here's my To Be Read list for the rest of the summer (ok, maybe that's being a bit ambitious...let's say before the end of the year).
In alphabetical order:
1. Angels & Demons by Dan Brown -- I've read The Da Vinci Code already. I've been told this one's pretty good, and that if I enjoyed TDVC, that I'd enjoy A&D.
2. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown -- yes, I know I just said I've read it. But I'd like to read it again, probably before I read Angels & Demons.
3. Dead Ringer by Lisa Scottoline -- Never heard of the book or the author. But while I was unpacking, I found it, in hard cover. I suppose I should read it before Swapping it, since I probably spent good money on it! Don't worry, you'll get a review once I'm finished.
4. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold -- I think I've read this one before. But again, I found the hard cover while unpacking, so I figure I should read it.
5. Lucky by Alice Sebold -- this is apparently a true story about Alice Sebold's attack while she was in college. I've not read this one, but it looks interesting!
6. Naked Prey by John Sandford -- Another hard cover book I found while unpacking. No idea what it's about, but I'll read it anyway!
7. The Regulators by Richard Bachman -- ok, this is Stephen King using a pseudonym. I know I've read it before, but that was back in high school. So, I'll read it again. This one will probably stay in my permanent collection.
8. Something Blue by Emily Giffin -- this is the one I'm reading right now. Well, will start reading as soon as I can get off of the computer long enough to actually read it!
Also, I would like to re-read the Harry Potter books, starting with Order of the Phoenix. "Half Blood Prince" is scheduled to come out in theaters November 21, 2008, so I want to re-read it before that! And when Deathly Hallows came out, I read through it so fast because I wanted to know what happened!
So, who wants to start taking bets that I won't finish them all before New Year's Eve?
Why is it...?
I'm doing that right now, with "Walk The Line." I own the DVD, and wanted to watch it the other night, but didn't. I watched "Ghost Ship" instead.
But it's on FX right now, DVD on TV, and I'm watching it. Everyone knows I hate commercials, so why am I watching it on TV? No idea. I love the soundtrack, though. I even have it on my iPod. I pride myself that I have Johnny Cash songs on my iPod, but then I have to remind myself that Johnny's not the one singing! Reese Witherspoon has a great voice, though. I like her. She's so cute!
I do this with a lot of movies. "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl" is the popular one. "50 First Dates" is another. Both are shown on USA Network often, and I'll watch them, and record them on my DVR (*sigh* I miss my DVR), and watch them...when I OWN THE DVD!
What's wrong with this picture?
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Where I'd Rather Be...
So, where I'd rather be right now?
Disneyland. Sitting next to the Rivers of America, enjoying a Dole Whip Float, listening to the music of New Orleans Square, watching the Mark Twain Riverboat pass by.
18 more days.....
Just finished: "Anyone But You"

It's up on my Paperback swap bookshelf. If you want it, let me know! I have the option to "Mail It To A Friend." I don't know if this will give me a credit for another book, though! If you are a member of Paperback Swap, let me know, and I'll add you as a friend!
Up Next: "Something Blue" by Emily Giffin. I read "Something Borrowed" a couple of years ago, but I've started the first chapter, and it seems to give some background as to what happened before. But I love the idea: Woman cheats on man, so man cheats with woman's best friend. Then Woman gets mad. Just like a woman, huh? Double standards! LOL
Once I'm finished, I'll post a review. This one's not on Paperback Swap yet, because I'm afraid if I post it now, that someone will want it, and I want to read it! If you want it when I'm done, let me know, and I won't post it, I'll just send it to you.
Off to finish homework! Then, I have to unpack.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Front Yard Visitors
Monday, June 23, 2008
First book to be read:

So, take a look at my Bookshelf on Bookcrossing. I have added the link to Bookcrossing AND Paperback Swap to the right side of my blog for your convenience! If you have any book recommendations, let me know. Also, if you register your own books on Bookcrossing, we can swap them!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Backyard Visitor
Sunday, June 15, 2008
A Day in the Life...
Friday, June 13, 2008
Busy Day!
The girls and I woke up at about 8am. I fed the kids waffles, and folded some laundry I put on the line last night. At 8:30, it was already getting hot. Not warm...HOT. I did the breakfast dishes then started packing. I pulled some stuff from the laundry room, and then packed up the book case. Here's a packing hint: Do not put ALL the books from a book case into a standard storage bin. It's too heavy, especially when those books are text books!
Anyway, I finished that, then my honey called and said he was on his way. I finished getting the kids and myself dressed, and was brushing hair as he came to the door. Can you believe today was the first time he's ever stepped foot in my house?? Thanks to my brother, I wasn't embarrassed. :P
So we left. I checked the mail, and thankfully, my new debit card was in the mail. So we went to Walmart first, so honey could do his shopping and I could stop at the bank branch inside the store to activate my ATM card. We did some shopping, and I ended up spending $26 -- razors, toilet paper, trash bags, 3 bottles of water, a 12-pack of Coke Zero Vanilla, and more, but I can't think of it.
After Walmart, we went to Sizzler for lunch. What a great big lunch it was, too. I had a HUGE salad and some of the hot stuff from the salad bar (onion rings, corn poppers) and then some ice cream. Big sis even finished all her chicken strips and hers and my ice cream!
After Sizzler, we went to the mall. I had to exchange Big Sis' capris that the zipper broke. Unfortunately, I didn't have a receipt and they had already been washed a few times, but they exchanged them with no questions. I got one size bigger for Big Sis because they didn't have her size! 7 regular and 8 slim are the same in the waist, but longer in the legs. No problem, since they're capris, and she can roll them!
After the mall, we went to Home Depot so honey could get us a ceiling fan for our bedroom. Quick trip.
After Home Depot, I left to pick up my brother from Walmart (he took the bus in) and honey went to pick up the trailer from his friend's. We're borrowing it to make my move easier and quicker. By the time I got my brother and took him to his next stop, honey had already picked up the trailer and went to the mattress store to buy a bed frame for our new Cal King bed!
We then headed to the grocery store so honey could pick up his cold items, then headed back to my house. After we loaded up the stuff I packed up this morning, and we all cooled down a bit honey and I went to Circle K to get him a drink for the ride home and to fill up my 5-gallon water bottle for the cooler.
So, the reason why it was such a hectic was 107 degrees outside, and I can't run my a/c when it's hot! My alternator gets over heated when the a/c is on, and stops charging my battery, making me stall. Wonderful, right? Thankfully, the girls are going to grandma's tomorrow for a few weeks, so I can live with no a/c when I'm driving.
My orientations for my online classes are on Monday, and after that, I'm going to honey's house, and won't be back down unless we're packing and moving. So, my car will get a nice break. And my drive up on Monday will be at night, since my last orientation ends at 8pm.
So, that was my Friday. Busy, huh? It's now almost 10:30, and I'm wide awake and enjoying the quiet!! :)
Happy birthday to Tena's little 'J', who turned 3 today! :)
Saturday, June 7, 2008
The Importance of Extended Rear Facing
Take this to heart. Just because laws vary by state does not mean that physics does. Please consider extended rear facing your child. In fact, I insist on it...not because I'm trying to tell you what to do, but because I would hate for anything to happen to your child that could have easily been prevented!
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