On August 19, 2010, my girls went back to school. I had been working since the 16th, and they were at Grandma's. I picked them up Wednesday night, and everything went smoothly on Thursday morning.
Big Sis started 4th grade. She's very excited. She got her flute today, and will be in the GATE Science program after school. She's also continuing Karate and will be doing a dance class. She is also going to be taking Japanese, which is being offered after school as well. Who knew we attend a small school district with only 220 students at the Elementary School?? She'll be doing a California Indian project as well as the California Mission Project. I've already told her teacher I want to go on the field trip to the Mission, which is usually in January. Once we know what Mission she'll be building, I'm going to try and plan a trip to visit it.

Little Sis is now in 1st grade. She is still in the Spanish Dual Immersion program. Her teacher had a pre-Curriculum Nigh meeting on Tuesday, and we got to hear a bit about how their day goes. I'm very excited. She's getting more independent and I'm thankful. It lets me focus on my job. She's currently in the after school swimming program and she started Karate as well. She even has her uniform! I'm hoping to get her into some fun after school classes as well as some academic ones to help her with her Spanish reading and writing.
Both girls are getting into th routine. Little Sis is in bed by 8, and Big Sis is allowed to stay up until 8:30. But because Wipeout and Minute to Win It are an hour (we love those shows), she's been staying up until 9. However, she's not giving me any problems in the mornings, so I'm comfortable letting her stay up. Once she starts telling me she doesn't want to get up, it's back to 8:30 sharp.
The week before school started, I took apart their bunk beds, and now they're in their own twin beds. It's cramped in the tiny bedroom, but now they can make their own beds. Also, I can snuggle with Little Sis a little easier and tuck Big Sis into bed (which is hard when she's on the top bunk).

So, back to another year of school. I am working the after school swimming program as well as my 6.5 hours at the elementary school. I am also finishing up my first term at Kaplan University. I have 2 weeks left, then a week off, then I start my next term. I'm looking forward to the Crossroads Church Women's Ministry Retreat in mid-September and a trip to the San Francisco Bay Area in November so my kids can see their dad and I can visit some friends. We've got Girl Scouts as well, as Big Sis is now a Junior. We're still in the discussion phase as to whether or not the Daisies (Little Sis) will become Brownies or not. The other 2 moms and I think the Daisies should stay Daisies for another year. Because of our small community, finding the girls and the parents to help can get challenging, so we are sticking with our small group of 3 Daisies, 3 Brownies, and now 6 Juniors (Big Sis and her BFF were Brownies last year).
Here's to a busy and healthy year!